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July 2019 Newsletter


We have arranged a Buffet Lunch at Wellingtons Bar and Restaurant at Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre, 58 Waipuna Rd, Mt Wellington.

  • Date: Wednesday 21 August

  • Time: Meet at 12.00pm for a 12.30pm Lunch

  • There is ample parking available at this venue

  • Cost: $30 for Senior Citizens and $39 for Non Senior Citizens

  • A cash bar is available for members to purchase drinks at their own cost

  • Our preferred method is for you to book online on our website or alternatively, use the booking form in the printed version of this newsletter (see below).

Wellingtons Bar and Restaurant looks out across the Panmure Basin and high tide will be at approximately 11.30am on the day we have selected, to give us the best possible outlook.


We welcomed just over 100 members and friends to our AGM/Midwinter Lunch at the Remuera Club on 5 June.

While numbers this year were rather disappointing, we have experienced a downwards trend over the past few years so there could be a number of reasons for this.

The high quality and variety of food at the buffet continues to impress and again we received many complimentary remarks from members about this and the friendly, efficient serving staff.

At the AGM, the election of officers and committee saw a few changes with John Hooper stepping into the role of President, Ian Steel now becoming Immediate Past President and welcoming new member, Stephen Hills, on to the committee.

During the year we have bid farewell to Audrey Saunders and Gary Collins and we thank these members for all the time and effort they have contributed to the running of our club. The full list of committee members for 2019/2020 is on our website - Contact Us.

Changes to the Club Rules, as notified to all members in the May 2019 Newsletter, were approved by the membership. The main change was the introduction of a new class of Associate Membership for Spouses/Partners of deceased members for as long as they continue to pay the annual subscription.

During the lunch, we held a Silent Auction of aviation posters kindly donated by member Dick Williams, with the proceeds to be forwarded to Starship Childrens Hospital.

Finishing on a positive note, the reduced number of attendees made for greater ease of negotiating between tables and the pre-meeting socialising was the usual great success.



It is my pleasure to present this report and highlight the activities of your club over the past 12 months.

The club remains in good health with approximately 580 members, which is not far below the record membership of 602 achieved during the year of Air New Zealand’s 75th Anniversary. This year, we have welcomed 50 new members, with approximately the same number passing away or resigning over the same period.

Your committee are mindful of the increase in traffic and congestion throughout Auckland and have tried to spread fairly the locations of our functions to minimise travel times for members.

This year we have arranged a successful outing to Tip-Top Ice Cream in Ellerslie, another to Chelsea Sugar Factory in Birkenhead and a lunch at Maungakiekie Golf Club in Mt Roskill. Also we are looking forward to a lunch at Waipuna Lodge, Panmure, for this coming August. If any members have suggestions for outings or lunches in their area, the committee will welcome your input, so please don’t hesitate to approach us; our contact details are all listed at the top of each newsletter.

Attendance at outings has been moderate averaging 25 members while attendance at the lunch at Maungakiekie was extremely good with 68 members attending. This lunch was highlighted by the attendance of Bob Bissett when he shared with us the celebration of his 92nd Birthday.

Our regular lunches here at the Remuera Club are well supported with 115 attending the AGM/Mid Year lunch in 2018 and 163 at our last Christmas lunch. Your club continues to subsidise lunches with approximately $5000 going towards lunches here at Remuera in order to keep the cost to members at a reasonable level.

At this point I will put in a plug for name tags. I notice that a number of you are still not wearing name tags, which makes it difficult for those of us with failing memories to put a name to a face. These tags are only $10 for the pin-on type or $13 for the magnetic type, including postage.

The club web site content continues to grow with access to the latest newsletters, details of functions, including registration links, Company media releases, history and other interesting company and industry news.

I recommend you find a way to access the website, talk to your grandchildren if you need technical help; perhaps go to your local library and use their computer.

The future of posted newsletters is bleak with the continued reduction in postal services and poor delivery. However we will continue to support posted newsletters for as long as members need them.

The committee has lost 2 members during the year. Both Audrey Saunders and Gary Collins have resigned for personal reasons and we thank them both for their years of service on the committee.

Finally, I must sincerely thank all officers and committee members for their dedication and support for me over the past year. Without their commitment this club would not be able to function.

Thank you - Ian Steel (immediate past president)


We would like to remind all members that subscriptions are due immediately after being set at the AGM each year. This year the subscription will again remain at $10. Please forward your cheque to the Treasurer, Roley Rackley, payable to Air New Zealand Retired Staff Club (Northern) or credit it directly to the Club's bank account (12-3043-0231590-00 Reference "Subs" and your name).

Please note that to remain as a paid up financial member the current year's subscription plus any arrears must be paid. Members whose subs are more than two years in arrears are assumed to have lapsed their membership.

  • If you received this newsletter by post, your address label also shows your subscription status (paid to date). If your subscription is current it will show " Paid to 2020" (or later if you have paid in advance)

If you received your newsletter by email, the message will include your subscription status at the time the email is sent.


Please note that the password for the “Members Only” section on our website will change as from Wednesday 29th July and the new password will be sent to you by email. Information on the “members only” pages is confidential to current members and may not be reproduced or distributed.


Our Christmas Lunch this year will be held on Wednesday 4 December 2019 at our usual venue, The Remuera Club.

Please make a note of this date and arrange to get together with your colleagues.


We extend a warm welcome to the following new members who have recently joined us and we look forward to meeting up with them at our regular functions:

Graeme Hills who worked in Engineering - Components, CHC 1968 – 1998

Bob De Groot who worked in Engineering 1971 – 2016

Max Milne who worked in Flight Operations 1967 – 1999

Bob Fletcher who worked in Flight Operations 1972 – 2017

Gordon Finlayson who worked in AKL Domestic Traffic 1978 – 2018

Andy Collier who worked in Operations Control 1968 - 2018


Since my last Almoner’s Report I can advise the following:

Captain Henry Thomas (Harry) Norton, dearly loved father of Maria, Sonia, Mark and Paul died in Auckland on 16 April. A memorial service was held for Harry in Papakura on 01 May (non member).

Robin Morton-Smith died at Dove Hospice in Auckland, on May 17, aged 72. Robin – a long time member - is well remembered by her many colleagues (in New Zealand and overseas) for her magnificent, selfless, contribution to our aims, aspirations and successes. A private farewell service at Robin’s request was held, according to her wishes (member - card sent).

Graeme Dalton Fowke died surrounded by his family at Harbour Hospice, Hibiscus Coast on 14 May. A service to celebrate Graeme’s life journey was held in Orewa on 20 May (member - card sent).

Our condolences, very best wishes and kind regards are extended to all – Brian Cudby


Regular media releases are published online by Air New Zealand and you can access these from our website under the heading Links. Here are the headlines from some of the most recent Media releases so visit our website to keep up to date.

28 March 2019 - Air New Zealand says Kia Ora to Seoul

3 April 2019 - Air New Zealand's Economy Skycouch™ takes out global award.

10 April 2019 - Air New Zealand, Microsoft, Moog and ST Engineering announce ground-breaking digital collaboration

11 April 2019 - Air New Zealand to build world's largest single arch timber aircraft hangar.

16 April 2019 - Air New Zealand makes history as Australia's #1 company

16 April 2019 - Air New Zealand and Z pump more value to Airpoints™ customers

26 April 2019 - Air New Zealand secures third US Navy engine overhaul contract

1 May 2019 - Air New Zealand launches 'Tiaki - Care for New Zealand' inflight entertainment channel

2 May 2019 - Air New Zealand and customers contribute $1 million to native forestry offsets

13 May 2019 - Air New Zealand supercharges opportunities for young tourism students

22 May 2019 - George R.R. Martin is coming?

27 May 2019 - Air New Zealand announces multi-billion-dollar investment in new fuel-efficient Boeing 787-10 Dreamliners

10 June 2019 - Air New Zealand embraces self-expression through Tā Moko and tattoos

11 June 2019 - Air New Zealand still New Zealand's Most Attractive Employer

17 June 2019 - Air New Zealand uses drones to inspect aircraft

19 June 2019 - Air New Zealand Chief Executive Officer resigns

20 June 2019 - Southland on show ahead of first ever direct Invercargill-Auckland jet service

Click here to download a printer-friendly pdf version of this newsletter.


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