Your committee extends warm greetings for the new year to all members and families, and we hope 2022 will be more productive than the past year. This is the first newsletter since last November and it seems such a long time since we last communicated or met in person, but your committee has continued to meet via Zoom and finally has a full programme of events planned for this year. Of course we are still under the shadow of COVID and Omicron, so hopefully we will not have to cancel any of these yet again.
We have re-opened limited bookings for all the events that were planned last year, and in addition we have a special Easter Lunch coming in April. If you had already booked and paid for any of these events, your booking is still valid, however our treasurer Gaye Mears will be contacting you should you wish to cancel and be refunded.
For all events listed, members must show a Vaccine Pass, wear a mask and respect social distancing.
Save these dates:
9 February 2022 - Ted Ashby Sail and Maritime Museum - 1.30 pm
2 March 2022 - Planetarium Stardome - 1pm
23 March 2022 - Weta Workshop 2 sessions 11.20 and 11.40 am
6 April 2022 - Easter Lunch at Remuera Club
15 June 2022 - Mid Winter Lunch and AGM Remuera Club
7 December 2022 - Xmas Lunch Remuera Club
Set sail on the heritage scow Ted Ashby - a ketch-rigged deck scow, typical of the fleet of scows that once operated in northern New Zealand waters - for an hour-long cruise in Auckland's Harbour. Prior to boarding the vessel stroll around the Maritime Museum which is open from 10am to 5pm - allowing approximately 2 hours to see the galleries and perhaps have some lunch.
Make sure you bring weather appropriate protection such as a jacket and sunscreen as all vessels are open. Only flat footwear may be worn.
Date: 9 February 2022
Time: Sail commencement time is 1.30 pm. Please arrive no later than 1:00pm to check in and board.
Address: Corner of Quay and Hobson Street, Parking nearby in Downtown Carpark in 31 Customs Street West or travel by Train or Ferry as both modes of transport are with easy walking distance of Maritime Museum.
Cost: $20 per person
Bookings: Final Booking and payment date - 31 January 2022
STARDOME Planetarium
In this live 360-degree experience, your planetarium will take you on an extraordinary tour of the stars, planets, and constellations visible from our little corner of the globe on the night of your visit.
Date: Wednesday 2 March 2022
Time: Private showing begins at 1.00 pm. but PLEASE arrive before 12.45 pm as late entry is not possible once the show has commenced.
Address: One Tree Hill Domain Free parking available outside Stardome. Nearby cafes at Royal Oak or Greenwoods Corner.
Cost: is $5.00 per person and numbers are limited so book now to guarantee your entry!
Booking: Final bookings and payment date - Wednesday 23 February 2022.
This is a 90 Minute Private Tour commencing 11:20 am and a second session at 11:40am.
Weta Workshop Unleashed invites guests of all ages to step into a fantastical film effects workshop and explore the worlds of horror, sci-fi and fantasy in-the-making. It’s a journey through Weta Workshop’s creative process that needs to be seen to be believed.
For a late breakfast/early lunch there is a choice of eateries nearby.
Date: Wednesday 23 March 2022
Time: There are 2 times available, at 11:20am and 11:40am but you need to be there at least 20 minutes prior, to be checked in and processed.
Address: 8 Federal Street, Auckland CBD Take the entry level spaceship or elevator up to Level 5. Parking nearby at either Atrium parking, Albert Street, or Sky City parking in Hobson Street
Cost: $25 per person
Bookings: There are still a limited number of spaces available, but Final bookings and payments are due by 16 March 2022.
This promises to be a fun time for all, with spot prizes and draws for an Easter Hamper and bottles of wine.
Date: Wednesday 6 April 2022
Time: Bar will open from 11:30am and lunch at 12 noon.
Address: Remuera Club, 27-33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera
Cost: $35 per person
Bookings: Bookings are not yet open for this event.
Date: 15 June 2022
Time: Bar will open from 11:30am, then AGM Meeting and lunch from 12:30pm.
Address: Remuera Club, 27-33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera
Cost: TBA
Bookings: Bookings are not yet open for this event.
Date: 7 December 2022
Time: Bar will open from 11:30am and lunch at 12 noon.
Address: Remuera Club, 27-33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera
Cost: TBA
Bookings: Bookings are not yet open for this event.
Only one new member has joined since last November, so we extend a warm welcome to:
Murray Swan 1959-2014 Joined as an Engineering apprentice with TEAL Mechanics bay, then Whenuapai and Mangere. Airframes- composites- Inspection. Retired 1993. Returned 1999~2000 airframes. Returned again 2008~2014, in composites.
We now have 491 paid up members but here is always room for more!
KILGOUR, Peter passed away on 25 January 2022. Peter Joined Air New Zealand (TEAL) in January 1950, sorting & delivering mail around the Mechanics Bay Base. Peter progressed through Operations to become Base Traffic Officer during the Mechanics Bay/Whenuapai years, then moved to Head Office, still in roles relating to passenger handling. Peter met his late wife through Air New Zealand and finally retired in February 1991.
Please note that the password for the “Members Only” section on our website is still 'tasman’ . The information on the “members only” pages is confidential to current members and may not be reproduced or distributed.
Have Your Say - Have you noticed this section on the front page? Here you may add your own interesting airline related news, events, information, and history titbits.
ORDERS and BOOKINGS - A reminder that you now have the ability to Pay ONLINE using POLi - the same process as used by Government departments, Air New Zealand and many other companies. You don't need a bank card and the payment is made immediately. We have had good feedback from those who have used it so far.
SPECIAL NEWS - the management committee has decided, that considering we had to cancel virtually everything last year, and because for the first time in history we have 100% paid up membership - it has been decided to give all members a free ride this year. So your subscriptions have now been extended to July 2023 with no payments due until then. For those who have paid more than one year in advance, your subscription has also been extended by one more year. You will see the new renewal date in your newsletter email as usual.
Regular media releases are published online by Air New Zealand and you can access these from our website under the heading Links.