Well one quarter of the year has gone already! Lets hope the rest of 2022 will be rid of pandemics, floods and natural disasters. Your committee was pleased we were actually able to hold the first three events planned for this year, and there are more to come.
Although we don't expect a huge crowd, there will be a special menu and lots of spot prizes and draws for an Easter Hamper and bottles of wine. We are no longer restricted by numbers, but must comply with COVID precautions which are a condition of hire with Remuera Club.
Your vaccine pass must be shown on arrival
A face mask must be worn at all times except while you are seated at your table.
Date: Wednesday 6 APRIL 2022
Time: Doors open at 11:30 am and lunch at 12 noon
Venue: Remuera Club, 27-33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera
Cost: $35 per head
Bookings close at midnight this THURSDAY 31 March.
Date: 15 June 2022
Time: Bar will open from 11:30am, then AGM Meeting and lunch from 12:30pm.
Address: Remuera Club, 27-33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera
Cost: $35 per head
Bookings: Bookings will open soon - this will be confirmed in the next newsletter.
Date: 7 December 2022
Time: Bar will open from 11:30am and lunch at 12 noon.
Address: Remuera Club, 27-33 Ohinerau Street, Remuera
Cost: TBA
Bookings: Bookings are not yet open for this event.
MARITIME MUSEUM and sail on the 'Ted Ashby'
The trip on 9 February went ahead without a hitch. Many of the 15 members enjoyed a coffee and wander round the museum before the actual sail. We dodged a couple of light showers and were able to sail up harbour around past the Sugar works and back under the harbour bridge. The maritime volunteers and some of our members hauled up the sails to enjoy a good trip around the harbour on a perfect sailing day.
On 2 March 18 people attended the presentations at the planetarium and everyone appears to have enjoyed them very much. Initially we were shown some amazing images of galaxies, planets and stars in a slide show and video. Then we moved to the planetarium, looking at the night skies over Auckland and looking at some constellations. A very worthwhile trip.
This was a very popular event, so well subscribed that we were able to have two groups - 40 people in total. An amazing place to visit, and I'm sure everyone enjoyed the experience, even though one or two were a bit apprehensive about the walk through the pitch black sensory passage.
We welcome the following new members who have joined this year:
Judith HAIRE - Joined Revenue Accounts Air NZ, was promoted to Supervisor MOT FSS), moved to Agency Affairs (under Norm Thompson), moved to LON 1982, 1989 moved back to AKL to tariffs which was merged within Revenue Management.
David ROWLANDS - Apprentice, Leading hand & Certifying Engineer at Terminal Services for F27, B737 & B767.
Margaret WILLIS - Travel centre Consultant and Manager, Downtown AKL and Newmarket Travel centre.
David NEWALL - Licensed Engineer/Inspector in Avionics, Flight simulator technician.
We encourage you all to wear name badges at lunches and on any trips. It makes it so much easier when you know a face but can't quite remember the name that goes with it! Gaye, our Treasurer, is placing orders soon so please order yours now if you plan to attend any of the events coming up.
Bruce RUTHERFORD - passed away 29 December 2021 after a struggle with Cancer. Bruce worked in Cabin Crew catering. We have no further details.
WEBSITE - https://www.airnzretirees.nz/
Please note that the password for the “Members Only” section on our website is still 'tasman’ . The information on the “members only” pages is confidential to current members and may not be reproduced or distributed.
Have Your Say - Have you noticed this section on the front page? Here you may add your own interesting airline related news, events, information, and history titbits.
ORDERS and BOOKINGS - A reminder that you now have the ability to Pay ONLINE using POLi - the same process as used by Government departments, Air New Zealand and many other companies. You don't need a bank card and the payment is made immediately. We have had good feedback from those who have used it so far.
Remember that all existing paid up members get a free ride this year. Your subscriptions have been extended to July 2023 with no payments due until then.
Regular media releases are published online by Air New Zealand and you can access these from our website under the heading Links.